Notable Transactions

2261 Ampere Drive
10,000 SF on 1.6 AC
Stephen C. Gault Co. represented TruckPro 3, LLC in the sale of this industrial facility to Messer Financial Services.
Jervis B. Webb Co.
4235 Robards Lane
60,000 SF
Stephen C. Gault Co. represented Daifuku in the relocation of their Louisville manufacturing and warehouse operation.

T&S, LLC (Estate Products)
1458 South Shelby Street
76,400 SF on 4.8 Acres
Stephen C. Gault Co. represented T&S, LLC in the sale of this manufacturing/distribution facility to Louisville Parts Land Holdings, LLC for an auto parts distribution center.
11100 Decimal Drive
Bluegrass Commerce Park
36,000 SF on 1.7 Acres
Stephen C. Gault Co. (Grace Gill) represented CEPEDA Associates in the sale of this light manufacturing facility to Lancaster Brothers Properties, LLC (Lantech), the world leader in stretch wrapping technology.

The Carlisle Family LLC
5102 Barack Obama Way, New Albany, IN
100,000 SF on 5 Acres
Stephen C. Gault Co. represented The Carlisle Family LLC in the sale of this class "A" industrial facility to TG Missouri Corporation, a manufacturer of high quality auto parts and components.
3101 Pond Station Road
3101 Pond Station Road
400,000 + SF on 41 Acres
Stephen C. Gault Co. represented M Exchanges Management, LLC (Kenneth Schell) in the sale of 41 acres at 3101 Pond Station Road to IDIL Pond Station, LLC for the future construction of a 400,000 + SF warehouse facility.